Annual Thumb Festival Courthouse Lawn Service (2022)

On Sunday, June 27, 2022, the Sandusky Area Association of Churches once again, led the city in The Annual Thumb Festival Courthouse Lawn Service. It was absolutely a day of “We Say Yes” to being the Bride of Christ!
A combined praise and worship team from BAM and Countryside led us into His Presence. Bringing Awesome Messages drama team brought a fun yet practical skit about the 10 commandments for today. Pastor Kyle Gerrild from Countryside Free Methodist Church brought a tremendous message about how the Holy Spirit can give us the power to be a witness in our daily lives with practical nuggets we all can do. Many came to the altar and made a commitment to the Lord to be His Bride.
The city saw local churches come together to bring hope, encouragement, and faith to our community in a challenging time for many. Local pastors stood in unity “Promoting Unity for the Cause of Christ’s Kingdom.” They reminded people as they prayed that God is still God in this unprecedented moment and that He is still working even when you can’t see that He’s working. He, God, simply never stops working if we only “Say Yes!”
Passover Seder Meal 2022

The Sandusky Area Association of Churches joined together to celebrate the Passover Seder!
The theme for the night was “Crossing Over to Live on The Other Side”. Each pastor shared a part of the teaching as we went through the Gospel Story. Many from each church attended for the teaching as we learned from a Hebrew and Christian perspective the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord. And of course, a wonderful meal!
This picture was taken when Bishop Bill Anderson held up Elijah’s cup, the one that Jesus held up when He told his disciples at the Last Supper: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is shed for the remission of sin.” Matthew 26:26-28
Annual Thumb Festival Courthouse Lawn Service (2021)

On Sunday June 27th, 2021, the Sandusky Area Association of Churches once again, led the city in The Annual Thumb Festival Courthouse Lawn Service. It was absolutely a day of “Revival Experience” like no other. Many came to the altar and experienced revival in their faith. The city saw local churches come together to bring hope, encouragement, and faith to our community in a challenging time for many. Local pastors stood in unity “Promoting Unity for the Cause of Christ’s Kingdom”. They reminded people as they prayed that God is still God in this unprecedented moment and that He is still working even when you can’t see that He’s working. He, God, simply never stops working. He never stops working!
National Day of Prayer

On May 7th, 2020, the Sandusky Area Association of Churches once again, led the city in a National Day of Prayer. It was absolutely a day of prayer like no other. The United Methodist Church parking lot was filled with vehicles as city and county residents gathered to agree with local pastor prayers emphasizing adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.
Some stayed in their vehicles while others came out and stood as families joining hands as an outward sign, as if to say, “we are in this together.” Sandusky City Manager, Dave Faber, Right to Life President of Sanilac County, Amy Roggenbuck, Sandusky Chief of Police, Brett Lester and Rescue Mission Director, Jeff Kramer were among those who gathered.

The city saw local churches come together to bring hope, encouragement, and faith to our community in a challenging time for many. Local pastors reminded people as they prayed that God is still God in this unprecedented moment and that He is still working even when you can’t see that He’s working. He, God, simply never stops working. He never stops working!