Welcome to the Sandusky Area Association of Churches

“The Church” is alive and well in our city and the surrounding communities!
Our Motto is: “Promoting Unity to Further the Cause of Christ’s Kingdom”

Annual Thumb Festival Courthouse Lawn Service 2022

On Sunday, June 27, 2022, the Sandusky Area Association of Churches once again, led the city in The Annual Thumb Festival Courthouse Lawn Service. It was absolutely a day of “We Say Yes” to being the Bride of Christ! A combined praise and worship team from BAM and Countryside led us into His Presence.
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Passover Seder Meal 2022

Passover Seder Meal 2022

The Sandusky Area Association of Churches joined together to celebrate the Passover Seder!

The theme for the night was “Crossing Over to Live on The Other Side”. Each pastor shared a part of the teaching as we went through the Gospel Story. Many from each church attended for the teaching as we learned from a Hebrew and Christian perspective the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord. And of course, a wonderful meal!

This picture was taken when Bishop Bill Anderson held up Elijah’s cup, the one that Jesus held up when He told his disciples at the Last Supper: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is shed for the remission of sin.” Matthew 26:26-28

Live Church Services

Hear the Word of God from the comfort of your home! Find links and times to live streaming services on the Directory Page.

Each Pastor has a unique call, passion, main message and strength to minister to God’s people. They have each laid down their life to love, feed, encourage, and disciple God’s people to become all that God has called them to be.

Each Church has a main message, strength, and contribution to the city. Each Church has different forms of polity or governmental structure: Episcopal (Bishop, Priest), Presbytery (Plurality of Elders), Congregational (assembly, body), and a combination of these. Please be assured that each will provide a place of safety and security and you can be confident that you have found a safe place for your family.

Together as the Association of Churches we express the fullness of Christ and His Kingdom to our community as we bring our unique calls, gifts and talents together.

Just like we have many restaurants in our city, each with their unique style of food preparation, menu, service and accommodations; so it is with our churches. Each have their unique sermons, service and ministries. None the less, each provide the Gospel of Christ which is the Power of God unto Salvation.

Regardless of the local church that you will call home, the Association of Churches provide many community events where we can all come together and be a voice for the Lord in our community. We practice an acronym that still stands today: TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More.

Don’t try to make it on your own. As you become a part of a local church, you will find a place of safety, encouragement, love, support and a place of fulfillment where you can serve with your gifts and talents for the Lord.

This web site has been designed to showcase each Pastor and Church so you can find a place where you can call home.

We look forward to welcoming you home to the “Family of God”

Bishop Bill Anderson – President
Pastor Kyle Gerrild – Vice-President
Pastor Brian Cuddie – Treasurer
Rev. Denise Noble – Secretary