Bishop Bill Anderson

Rev. Bill Anderson was born on March 21, 1954. He responded to the call of God on his life in 1976. He graduated with honors from Carmel Bible Institute in 1978 and as the Honor Student from Supernatural Ministries Training Institute in 1984. He has a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and a doctorate’s degree in theology. He is an affiliate member and former District Director for Michigan with the International Convention of Faith Ministries, Inc. (ICFM). In 2001, he was asked to join with Bishops around the world to promote dialogue and unity between the historic churches and the renewed churches.
On November 11, 2001 he was ordained a Bishop with International Communion of Charismatic Churches (ICCC) to assist in the development of schools, model ministries, and media outlets. Recently, he accepted the office of President for the Sandusky Area Association of Churches.
Bishop Anderson has established Bill Anderson Ministries, Inc., an outreach ministry that sends numerous evangelistic teams out to other churches, the streets, and the mission fields. He is the Founder and Bishop of BAM International, a local church with world vision. World missions are in the heart of this man of God. He is doing his part to “go into all the world and make disciples.”
Bishop Anderson has already ministered extensively throughout Central and South America, Canada, Europe, Cuba, Ukraine, Germany, Portugal, Australia, and Africa. He has ministered before the masses and before those in the jungle huts. Bishop Bill Anderson is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel whom recognizes and understands the signs of the time. He walks in the office of an apostle with the gift to teach. In addition to writing the four-year curriculum for the BAM International Bible School, he has authored several books. Currently, he is finishing his IFR (instrument rating) pilot’s license, positioning himself to better serve local churches.
His wife, Rev. Connie, is the Director of Operations for Bill Anderson Ministries International. She is the Dean of Students for the school and has been instrumental in the administration of BAM International Bible Training Centers around the world, as well as the online school platform. As an apostle-prophet team, they are a dynamic duo traveling around the world establishing believers and encouraging the local church. You will be refreshed as you hear their message to the Body of Christ. This message is enabling people everywhere to …
“Let the Word Become Life in Your Life”
Pastor Aaron Anderson

Pastor Aaron Anderson has been working in the ministry from a very young age. After completing four years of Bible school at BAM University he has actively worked as a local pastor at BAM International. From his beginning days in ministry traveling around the nation and other countries doing missionary work, his desire to help people build a relationship with God is constant. For the past 15 years, he has been active in our city helping with the community services and bringing together our local churches. As a father, husband and local businessman he is active and connected to our community to help bring a relevant perspective to a life lived in relationship with God.
Minister Ryan Welker

Minister Ryan Welker is a minister at BAM International. In December 2013, he graduated from BAM University’s 4 year Bible School as a licensed minister. During those four years, he was named Honor Student of his class twice.
Prior to being a licensed minister, Min. Ryan graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in History and earned his Pennsylvania State Secondary Education Teacher Certification from Dickinson College located in Carlisle, Pa. For almost 10 years, Min. Ryan educated at-risk children, teens, and adults in a wide variety of settings such as a mental hospital, a minimum-security juvenile detention center, and for Harrisburg City School District Teaching History and Science.
In 2014, under the oversight of Bishop Bill Anderson, he started a BAM church plant in Middletown, Pa. In the spring of 2018, Min. Ryan started a Born Again Men ministry at his place of full-time employment.
Although Minister Ryan Welker lives 600 miles away, he considers Sandusky, Michigan his home away from home. He desires the kingdom of God to come into Sandusky and for the churches to present to everyone the opportunity to have an encounter with God at any given moment. He longs for Sandusky to truly become a city of refuge where God’s presence dwells.
Minister Aaron Riley

Minister Aaron Riley is a minister of BAM International and is a businessman from Sandusky, Michigan. He has been a licensed minister since 2013. However, he started serving in the local church at a much younger age, specifically in the multimedia area of ministry.
Minister Riley graduated from BAM International Bible School and Baker College. He holds an Associate’s Degree in Business Marketing and Management through Baker College, where he also received an Academic Achievement Award.
His heart is to see businesses and individuals live out the Call of God on their lives. Business has always been a passion of his. He takes every opportunity to learn and grow, knowing God has a business plan for his life. As a minister, he believes God gives talents to everyone for the purpose of building and promoting God’s Kingdom. Minister Riley encourages people, individuals and business owners alike, that they all can find their God-given talent and give back to others in this community.
For Minister Riley, Sandusky, Michigan is HOME!!! He sees that God has a plan for this city, as more people are drawn to this area, and more believers gather together to promote the Kingdom of God in this community. He finds joy in serving God alongside other believers, acknowledging that is how the true family of God operates.
Elder Christy Chappel

Christy Chappel is a licensed minister of BAM International. She has been involved in the ministry since 2010 with her main focus as a Teacher of the Word and intercession. Elder Christy is also a Mentor for BAM University. She is a four year graduate of BAM University with three years as the honor student.
Elder Christy loves the fact that in this community nearly everywhere you go you can meet someone you know yet still have plenty of opportunities to meet new people. Although the community may not be large, she enjoys being able to connect with people around the world through BAM International’s internet church. Being involved with BAM International has taught her to be a true neighbor by loving and serving others, whether in a church setting or in the community.
Elder Christy sees God bringing Pastors, ministers, and other leaders from across the community together in one true cause; to reach every person in this community with the good news of the Kingdom of God. She sees God breaking down barriers and bringing people together that this city may be a City of Refuge.
Deacon Heath Chappel

Deacon Heath Chappel is a licensed Deacon with BAM International. He has been a licensed Deacon since 2016. Deacon Heath is a 4th-year bible school graduate of BAM International bible school. Deacon Heath expects to see God change men’s lives through the Sanilac Rescue Mission where he volunteers. Deacon Heath is thankful to BAM and the Sandusky community for allowing him to be a servant to God’s people and the community.
Rev. Mark Hewett

Reverend Mark Hewett is a Minister on staff with BAM International of Sandusky, MI. He has been ordained since 1990 and has been with BAM International since 2000. Reverend Mark is a singer, Evangelist and administrator. He also serves as the Director of the Association of Christian Truckers.
Reverend Mark attended various colleges and has 80 credit hours in Psychology, Sociology, and anthropology, as well as business. Here is the list of Colleges: St. Clair Community College. Albion College, Central MI University, Augustana, College, and DeVry University. As well as the Institute of Ministry training for Gospel Crusade and BAM University classes.
Reverend Mark has spent over 30 years in evangelism and Ministry to Pastors, Truck drivers, and the public. He has preached in many Churches and outreach ministries around the United States and been involved with outreach planning such as Praise in the Park and other community outreach.
Reverend Mark enjoys working with BAM International for many reasons. Reverend Mark Loves the teaching of the Word he receives there and the fact that the heart for evangelism is there. Reverend Mark is the online Pastor chatting with the people online on every Sunday and Wednesday service. He also writes a discussion page where people can discuss the Sunday message.
Reverend Mark Loves the thumb area. He was born in Sandusky hospital! He yearns to see the cities and towns of the Thumb filled with believers on their way to heaven. He prays for the ministers of the city and believes God to Supernaturally touch people’s lives. Reverend Mark Hewett is a Minister on staff with BAM International of Sandusky, MI. He has been ordained since 1990, and has been with BAM International since 2000. Reverend Mark is a singer, Evangelist and administrator. He also serves as the Director of the Association of Christian Truckers.